Visual Literacy - What Is It? Why Is It Important?

A visually literate person should be able to
- Interpret, understand and appreciate the meaning of visual messages
- Communicate more effectively by applying the basic principles and concepts of visual design
- Produce visual messages using computers and other technologies; and conceptualize solution to problems
- Jerry Christopherson
"Life and learning is about connections...classrooms should be about connecting kids to ideas (and to others)."
Dr. Henry Thiele- "Connections": To Learn Twice
Images carry content with visceral power
Images convey emotion and facts simultaneously. The effect of an image is virtually instantaneous, and the viewer responds without conscious thought.
Try it: Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4
*Christopherson, Jerry T, "The Growing Need for Visual Literacy at the Univerity." In VisionQuest: Journeys
Toward Visual Literacy, Edited by Robert E. Griffin, J.M. Hunter, C. B. Schiffman, and W.J.
Gibbs. University Park, PA: International Visual Literacy Association, 1997, pp. 169-184.
*Burmark, Lynell. Visual Literacy: Learn to See, See to learn. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2002. Print.
*Thiele, Henry. "To Learn Twice." Connections. 28022008. Blogspot, Web. 19 Oct 2009. <Dr. Henry Thiele->.

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